If you are looking to sell your home, you may think that the level of demand for properties will mean that you don’t need much help in promoting your property and then concluding the deal. This is definitely not the case. Selling a home is a hugely important matter and there are many legal matters to contend with, and this is why you should call on the services of a professional estate agent to ensure that the deal runs as smoothly as possible. However, there are many different types of estate agents to choose from, and you need to know which one is right for you.
There is a lot to be said for the power of an estate agent who works for a major firm, but this may not be the most effective type of help for you when selling your home. There are many benefits that come from selling your property with an independent estate agent.
You can be confident they will act in your best interests
If you call on the services of an agent representing a major firm, you cannot be certain that they will always have your best interest at heart. Major firms will often represent major clients and it may be that they will do what they can to find these clients the best deal. This may mean a loss or delay to you while the bigger client is taken care of first. Given the importance of selling your home and the sums of money involved, you want to feel as though your interests are being taken care of, and this is why it is often best to call on the services of an independent agent who will put you first.
More likely to have a level of local knowledge
One of the most important things when selling (or buying) a home is local knowledge. When you sell a home, it helps to know the sort of buyers who generally buy properties in this area or this type of property. This makes it easier to target or market to them. This is something that an independent estate agent with a good knowledge of the local area will be able to help with while it may be an area where an estate agent for a major provider is lacking. Local knowledge and understanding the local area is a big component of selling a property and this is definitely an area where a local independent agent will be of greater use and benefit.
Can provide you with a more focused level of service
An independent estate agent is likely to have a lower workload, which means that they can spend more time on you and your property. This is a big benefit because some of the major firms will focus their time and energies on major properties, which means that you may get left to the side or don’t receive the support that you would hope to get. There is a great deal to be said for calling on an independent estate agent who will devote the appropriate time and energy to you and your home.
They know that their reputation depends on their work
A bad review or two could cause major problems for an independent estate agent, so they’ll always be looking to provide you with a fair standard of service. You would hope that every professional would do their best but we can all have days where we are not at our best. However, an independent estate agent knows that they need to provide consistently good service or they will receive bad reviews, and this will likely lead to a drop in customers and clients.